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Sometimes it may not be obvious when it’s time to replace your roof. This Quick Roofing Guide will help you figure out when it may be time for a new roof instead of a quick fix that may lead to other more serious issues.

The Most Common Indicators That It’s Time To Replace Your Roof

  • A Sagging Roof Deck – If your roof deck is sagging, then it’s time to replace your roof! Your roof may not be structurally sound if it’s sagging and requires expert roofing attention.
  • Signs Of Water Damage Or Leaking – If your residential roof has signs of water damage on the ceiling, along the walls or in the insulation of your attic, a visual check is always first on the list prior to doing a reroof. If this confirms the wetness felt or seen, contacting a professional roofing company should be the next step.
  • Dark Spots And Trails Or Other Discoloration Issues – Sometimes, stains or trails can both be indicators that you need to replace your roof. You could have a long-term leakage requiring a new roof installation.
  • Outside Light Shows Through The Roof – If light is coming in through your roof boards, that could indicate a very serious problem.
  • Cracked, Torn Or Missing Shingles – This is another one of the no-need-for-explanation signs that you need a reroof or need to install a new residential roof for your home.
  • Loose Material Or Wear Around Chimneys, Pipes or Vents – Loose fittings are commonly the cause for larger roofing problems, which is why you should be careful and check them closely. A soft and warped roof is definitely in need of repair – and an inspection is the way to prove it.
  • Signs of Moisture, Mold or Rot – Starting as soft spots, these issues can lead to damaged shingles and ultimately to the replacement of your whole roof .

Should You Repair Your Old Roof Or Should You Install a New Roof?

Repairing your current roof may seem like a quick low cost solution, but if the problem is worse than it looks, it could cause serious damage to your home, especially with the strong El Niño storms that are expected to hit us. The best way to evaluate whether you need a new roof or not is to contact a trusted roofing company like Tenco Construction. We can help you evaluate your roof, and if a new roof is needed, we can guide you through the selection process to insure that you have the best possible roof installed. Keep in mind that the new roofs that we offer are energy efficient, which will save you money on utilities, and will also last much longer. Give Tenco a call today at (866) 272-1451.

Tenco Construction is an authorized roofing contracted and offers the best roofing installation services in the following areas: Riverside, Corona, Eastvale, Rancho Cucamonga, Ontario, Fontana, Rialto, San Bernardino, Redlands, Loma Linda, Highland, Moreno Valley, Perris, Menifee, Murrieta, Temecula and other Inland Empire communities in Southern California.

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