by Tenco Construction | Nov 19, 2015 | Blog, Home Improvement, Replacement Windows, Window Installation
It’s true, one of the first things that people look into when buying a new house or thinking about renovating their own home are the windows. Good and energy efficient windows in Riverside and other Southern California areas have always been a priority for many...
by Tenco Construction | Oct 13, 2015 | Blog, Home Improvement, Replacement Windows, Retrofitting Windows, Window Installation
Step-By-Step Guide to Choosing the Right Windows for Your Home Increasing the value of the home is certainly the best investment for any homeowner. In fact, there are many projects to go with for improving your home and increasing its comfort and curb appeal. One of...
by Tenco Construction | Oct 2, 2015 | Blog, Energy Savings Tips, Money Saving Tips, Replacement Windows, Retrofitting Windows, Window Installation
Nowadays, most people are not aware that their home’s windows also suffer wear and tear and usually do not replace their older windows unless they break or crack by natural or kid caused accidents. But did you know that the older windows in your house may be...
by Tenco Construction | Jul 21, 2015 | Blog, Energy Savings Tips, Replacement Windows, Retrofitting Windows, Window Installation
Replacing Your Home’s Windows Is Not As Expensive As It Sounds It dоеѕ not mаttеr what age your home іѕ, іt is іmроrtаnt to hаvе high quality windows in іt tо protect уоu frоm thе elements оf Mоthеr Nature. Nеw wіndоwѕ аdd more thаn juѕt bеаutу аnd class tо your...
by Tenco Construction | May 29, 2015 | Blog, Energy Savings Tips, Green Energy Barrier, Money Saving Tips, Quiet Cool Whole House Fans, Replacement Windows, Retrofitting Windows, Whole House Fans, Window Installation
How to Save Money on Utilities This Summer Before the summer utility bills make you sweat, you must take a few measures to cut your energy consumption and save money. Making proper arrangements to your lifestyle and house can help you save money and the environment....
by Tenco Construction | Feb 25, 2015 | Blog, Energy Savings Tips, Green Energy Barrier, Money Saving Tips, Replacement Windows, Window Installation
Although winter this year proved to be less harsh than what we had to go through the year before, nonetheless it was cold enough to make people uncomfortable. If you found yourself wishing for your home to be warmer, then maybe it is time you start thinking about...