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Spring is here! And that means it’s time to take a look at this spring home maintenance list to ensure that your house is well prepared for the upcoming climate:

  • Clean your gutters and check for leakages –Any debris that has accumulated in your gutters during the winter needs to be cleaned out thoroughly. If you find any leakages, use a caulking gun to fix them. You can also use a sealant for the smaller holes and cracks.
  •  Check the exterior walls – Clean the sidings of the exterior walls. Look for any troubled spots. Water can cause damage beneath the stucco coat. If you notice cracks and blisters, get it repaired immediately. You can also have them repainted.
  • Look for cracks in window sills and door sills – If you find any cracks, use a sealant to repair them and caulk the edges.
  • Inspect your windows and door screens for bigger holes – Bugs can get through the screens if the holes are big enough. It is better to have the screens replaced if there are too many holes in them. Otherwise, you can also have them patched accordingly.
  • See if your roof has any damaged shingles or tiles – If you find any water damage in the ceilings inside your house then that would indicate a leaky roof. It is better not to attempt fixing these on your own as climbing up a roof may be dangerous. Get professional help if necessary.
  • Check your furnace and air conditioners – Spring is a good time to have a professional inspect and service your central air system to keep it running smoothly during the hot summer months.
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